Thursday, July 16, 2020

Sing Me A Song

I learned that a local band released an album, and was sent the info on where to find it - it has dropped on both YouTube and iTunes.

I had been given the lyrics to track three several years ago, and was honored to have discussions with two of the band members about the origin for that particular song.

When injustice occurs, it often has a profoundly far reaching impact that can't be measured or even anticipated.

Anyone who has ever had any type of contact with the individuals in a case end up dealing with the fallout of a miscarriage of the legal system.

Each of them must find their own way of working through the pain and frustration, and the origins of this blog were my way of dealing with overwhelming negative emotions.

What you should realize from the title of this band's album "Underwatertown" is that these young adults have realized that there is a toxic culture in their hometown that has resulted in multiple miscarriages of justice.

Without further ado, here is this band's interpretation of the Jon Massey Case - the single "Buried in the Case":

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